I've decided to make it a mystery unfolding for you article by article,
but here's a "sneak peak" of what's been added to my life in the last year and a half...The strength and beauty of single parenting...
The reward and accomplishment of hard work...
The anguish and overcoming of a challenging but successful surgery...
The safety of love and healing at Nana's house...

The honesty, happiness, and freedom of finding true love...
The pride and empowerment of my teaching degree!!
The excitement and elation of an engagement...
A big, beautiful bounty of grown babies :):)
Hope and eager anticipation as we look to the future...the glimmer in his eyes...we feel in our heart at the awesomeness of God's creation and will unfolding...
I also gained a few pounds and an apartment building...
So stay tuned for a full blown expansion (of the building not me) and remodel of our home all done with dirty hands and beautiful style!
I've missed you and I'm excited to be strong enough to join the blog world again!!