The snow fell quickly again last night, but to my's also melting quickly inspiring me not to give up on spring!!
Had about 30 minutes free between morning chores and lunchtime I optimized my time management and hit a priority - The Goodwill.
Watched a lady leaving with a gorgeous $8 quilt as I entered, but didn't let that "mess" with my attitude...I'll just have to find my own beauty in here! Nothing in furniture. Nothing in linens. Austin's being good...I'll dig deeper...

Next up...potty training in the goodwill bathroom...sing to self..."You're gonna miss're gonna want this back..."
IRONIC: receive text from husband..."how's ur day going?" Pause to reflect...reply...Good!
Sure enough...this was my little pile of messy beautiful that made me smile...
Now...isn't that scarf kind of cute...!! I think I can wear it and/or use it in my decorating. Plus...when I got home I noticed it said...
Warriors In Pink!! --- l-o-ve it!

Seriously...if you look close...Copyright 1965!
This is it next to my 21st century flower-arranging book.

Solomon said it first..."there is nothing new under the sun" this just isn't me...although I wouldn't argue if my husband sent the flowers because I could mix up those mums, paint the shutters and throw it in a different container...

...these are what really caught my

Botanicals are very HOT in arranging right now and I l-o-ve the feel of bringing the outdoors in!
WARNING: You will see the top of my piano often!
The way our home is can only go in our great room. It's not really a priority because I rarely get around to playing it, but my dad spent endless hours restoring it when I was young and it's a must keep! The top allows me room for "clutter" that I try to minimize in other places, so it gets changed as often as I get the urge...
So this is what it looked like when I started. I love the earthy and vintage feel of stoneware...

...notice the cute contemporary bird in a frame...see "Shalom's Cottage Home" for details.
The book got me in the mood to move some "sticks" into the room. One of my favorite is so traditional, but so contemporary in it's look...pussy willow.'s the new look...

For those of you who noticed my other new book..."The Smart Home"...check back because I also bought A House That Cleans Itself for $5 - what a steal!!...although I'm still waiting for it to clean the dust bunnies above the piano...
Comment and tell me: What's the last thrift store item you bought?
Oops...technical learning curve in progress. Now...tell me about your last thrift item:)
Well, I have not been to a thrift store since before Christmas :(. Unless you count dropping stuff off, I've done that numerous times since moving! And you know I needed too! The last time I went to the Goodwill here, my find was some navy Land's End mary janes for Callie. It will be a year or two before she can wear them, but her shoe collection lives on! Great finds you found! I'm looking forward to warmer temps so the garage sales will start up!
I like your contemporary bird in the frame. =)
My favorite last thing I got from a thrift store was a pile of vintage silk scarfs - for $1!
Wow Shalom! That makes my one scarf for $1.38 look a little shabby!! Saturday March 6th I'm hitting the Kane County flea market opening day...WOOHOO!!!
Great finds! I love that scarf, so pretty. That vintage flower arranging book sounds really interesting.
Neat scarf! I'd love to have a book on flower arranging--that's something I'm not too good at. :s I'm visiting from Rhoda's Thrifty Treasures party. I hope you'll stop by my blog. :)
Hmmm... well, I guess it would be the comic books my husband just HAD to have :) Someone donated boxes of old comics, so every time we go my husband digs through them. He has bought 8-10 with each visit lol.
Oh my I can totally sympatize on going to Goodwill or a garage sale and seeing someone walking out with an item I would have loved to have gotten my hands on. Great finds!
Love the scarf! My last purchase was a purse! In fact, I bought 6 at two different Goodwill stores in the last couple of months! YIKES! I posted all of them this weekend over on my blog.
Lucky score on that perfect candle- it doesnt even look dirty or used.
I can't remember what my last thrift store find was...I bought a cart full...but can't remember what. It was a couple months ago.
Your post cracked me up! It's important to keep your sense of humor even in the bathroom at the GW. Love finding flower arranging books even though I don't arrange flowers that much I like looking at arrangements. Smiles, Marla
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