On Saturday our friends amused us by letting us host a holiday gathering. The party was an informal affair (the only kind a bunch of mechanics would tolerate), but I must have festive flair in the air, so I mixed in all the practicalities needed for a casual affair with the holiday table setting.
The blue Ball jars add the perfect mix of strong, enduring, and practical to tone down the glitz.
The wooden recipe box is a great place to tuck in some everyday napkins “more manly than the red, holly…
A formal setting would have made this crowd uncomfortable, so the napkin and casual placemat just welcome each guest to have a seat and enjoy. (Finger licking acceptable!)
Extra tooth picks and plasticware included…
A lovely tray of beer nuts…
Some gifts for our guests…
For the ladies…
For the Gents…
(for my southern readers that’s an ice scraper, gloves and flashlight)

Merry Christmas Party!