Watering the soul…


The simple things can make for the best moments of gratitude. CLEAN dishes, CLEAN sink, and something alive gathering water…   

Did you know that the best way to water many plants (especially in clay or plastic pots) is to submerse the pot in water and then water from the top and let it soak overnight?? If you do this you can ignore it for weeks afterward until it is totally dry! You will be happy without the regret of forgetting it, and the plant will be happy for you not overwatering (the #1 cause of death for houseplants).

An overwatered plant will typically look healthy all along…shiny and bright green and then often by the time notable signs of suffering emerge – it’s rotten and near death. By overwatering the plant never has time to soak up the water, expand its roots and grow. Instead of deep watering and a process of feeding it literally becomes a drainage path for water to run through. I have to wonder if we sometimes do the same…

“If anyone is thirsty let him come to Me and drink. Whoever believes in Me…streams of living water will flow from within him.” John 7:37-8

We have to let God’s Word soak into our core…into our heart. Where it can produce life. Instead of trying to pour Christian living over our lives…let’s pick a morsel of his Word and let it produce life from within.

By the way, I L-O-ve this plant that you may not recognize. It’s so easy to care for and can look contemporary and charming at the same time. Isn’t that what we all strive for in front of the mirror anyway!? To learn more about this super cool ZZ plant click here.


Katie said...

I loved this post :) I put a link to it on my blog....

Unknown said...

This came up as a memory in my Facebook feed from you posting it to your blog. Kind of funny because I just bought a couple of these plants this week and literally feel my soul thirsting to be soaked....

God is good.

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