
As every mother out there can attest, until you are a mama you can't know how it feels to do the hardest and most wonderful job on earth. When we were children it seemed that each Mother's Day sermon at church included Proverbs 31 - maybe that's why it's my favorite. I remember though, my mama would wait eagerly for the preacher to get to verse 28:

"Her children shall rise up and call her blessed"

At this point she should whisper a little "Amen." At the time we rolled our eyes knowing later that day when we poked fun at her that we would no doubt get a scolding about not listening and that we were supposed to call her blessed. We would retort with the idea that we didn't need to do that until we were grown. 

Well, wouldn't you know that grown thing came all to soon. (For us anyway)! Now as moms ourselves we know that through the daily struggles of raising babies and then years later raising babies and teens together, that she was probably looking for hope in what sometimes feels like a thankless and scary job. 

Yesterday, once the potato peeling relay and the gravy train were finished, we gathered as we haven't done in many years.  When we sat down to the Thanksgiving table, mama and her children, we gave the glory to God for holding our family together through many challenging years. We gave thanks for the heritage of believing that began over 50 years ago with our grandparents. We gave thanks for our children. We gave thanks for one another. We without using the words, I believe, called her blessed. 

Although we missed our extended family, thank you for this special day. And...this was my first time ever giving in and posting from my phone (still in bed!). Therefore, please forgive any typos or errors in format. 

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