Join Me

Yep. I'm confessing. I have a hard time holding it back.
I'm not doing this because someone else thinks I should.
I'm doing this for those moments when I want to keep it shut... 
and seem to physically lose the ability to do so!

So...if you have a clever tongue that can take on a life of it's own -- JOIN ME!
iBooks had it for just $7.99 or you can order online.
There's an online study that I'm joining, but I'm more focused on my own study through and I'll share my discoveries here with you and ask you to post yours!

So...will you join me?


Katie said...

I ordered the book ... Can't wait to start it! ;)

Unknown said...

Yeah! I'm using the online study mostly for accountability. The deep stuff really comes from looking at Scriptures from a different angle and I love that includes memory verses. Never too old for that!

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