Roadside stop up north

One would think that since we live at the end of a dirt road just outside of a town only slightly larger than a blink, we would find a drive through the countryside slightly mundane.

Not us though.

  A place where Muscle meets Tractor.

Who wouldn’t find that intriguing?

It's on my bucket picket list to drive around the countryside all day taking snapshots of old barns to hang on a gallery wall here at R7.

This guy seemed to be posing, so I snapped a shot.

On second thought maybe he was wondering why we found it all so interesting…

This guy also seemed to be posing. 

He's so darn handsome....even when he trades in his cowboy hat and boots for sneakers and an overpriced ball hat --- thank you outlet mall.

 I’m not sure why my shadow is so unflattering, but it’s proof I was there.

     I’m going to blame poor photography.

 Think I’ll keep the camera aimed at the barn…
The building – not me.

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