Does a clicking pen bother you? drumming of fingers on the desk? humming? leaky faucet?
We all have our ‘thing’ that makes us crazy! Well…God has some of those too…and a leaky faucet is one of them. Before you go running for your pipe wrench…read on…
“A continual dripping of water,
and a contentious woman are alike”
Proverbs 28:15
Now, before you think about some other crabby, naggy woman…think about the last thing you ‘contended’ for…
In a book I began reading a while back, a husband was affectionately describing how his friends envy his wife. Now I don’t know if she was a trophy to look at, but what they envied was her calm, cool demeanor.
Of course, the other wives chatted over coffee that it was easy for her because she had a thoughtful husband. He was always making little repairs around the house and never forgot important events or commitments…
His story is that his wife rights him a list and leaves him clear reminders and never mentions it again. He admits to thinking of it as a game and often works harder and faster to get it all done to please her!
CONFESSION TIME…in the last 11 years my husband has asked me to write him lists more times than I count! I’m sure I’ve written less than 11!! He grew up in a home with a white board on the fridge for writing everything down! I think of it as cluttery and ugly…he thinks of it as well – normal.
You see…I also ‘contend’ in my mind that it seems bothersome or demanding to make a list…
Well…At the end of the chapter the book asks you to think of and pray about one thing you could for your husband and have stubbornly chosen not to….you already know mine…
As I prayed though I had a flash in my mind…
(now I don’t consider this a prophecy or anything)
But I pictured my cool enamel tray hanging as a write on/wipe off board on the fridge…
It’s taken me several weeks to remember the magnets at the hardware store…(maybe I need a list!)
I have laid down my contention…
… now I can finally read the next chapter!!!
PS…I know it’s not the prettiest thing I’ve ever showed you, but it looks pretty good compared to his way…